Cube on the moon, What did China’s rover Yutu 2 discovered?

Cube on the moon, China’s Yutu 2 rover has discovered a ‘mysterious hut’ on the moon’s far side, According to Chinese experts. As it traveled over the moon’s Von Kármán crater, the rover, whose name means jade rabbit in Mandarin, captured a grainy photograph of the cube-shaped object.

The rover observed the strange house roughly 260 feet (80 meters) distant on Oct. 29, the mission’s 36th lunar day, according to the China National Space Administration outreach initiative Our Space, which was shared on the Chinese social network Weixin on Dec. 3.

The unexpected anomaly in the environment was noticed projecting above an ordinarily uniform and unimpressive horizon, and there was a minor impact crater adjacent to it, according to Our Space experts.

Was it an extraterrestrial dwelling erected after the crash landing. Our team of space scientists made a joke. Or is it the precursors’ first spaceship to investigate the moon?

Those hoping to have an otherworldly encounter with one of Stanley Kubrick’s enigmatic alien monoliths from 2001: A Space Odyssey will be disappointed.

The most likely answer is simple: the weird object is most likely one of the moon’s countless massive stones, maybe lifted from beneath the lunar surface by an unknown force.

More information about the Yutu 2 moon rover

The Change-4 lunar rover, whose name means jade rabbit, was launched by China on the ship no manned Change-4 in 2019 and will stay on the moon for 36 months. Yutu 2 is equipped with six wheels and two solar panels.

According to EFE, the Moon’s hidden face will be explored using radar and various cameras. The Moon’s natural rotation is hindered by Earth’s gravity, so we always see the same side.

It might be of interest to you: According to a new study, solar winds are the source of water on Earth. After the Change-4 took the vehicle to the moon, Chinese specialists predicted surprising discoveries, as the exploration might uncover information buried in parts of the natural satellite that have yet to be investigated.

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Where does the mysterious moon cube come from?

According to, which translated an item in a rover mission journal from the Chinese language website Our Space, China’s robotic Yutu-2 lunar rover noticed a strikingly square-looking grey object On the 36th lunar day, the moon is visible on the horizon.

Impacts by meteors or comets are a good technique to manufacture and disseminate stones on the Moon without the need for weather or water, and the Moon cube and Yutu-2 are in a suitable location for this. the center, when viewed from roughly 260 feet away. It almost looks like a door. or a Kubrick-style monolith.

What happened to the moon cube?

The Moon cube, whatever it is, is now roughly a football field away from the Yutu-2 rover, which is the first to investigate the Moon’s far side. The rover and the strange object are both located in the Von Kármán crater, a 110-mile-wide impact crater on the Moon’s southern polar region.

The Moon cube and Yutu-2 sit in aThe Von Involving crater is a twin crater. one of many in the much larger South Pole-Aitken Basin, which measures nearly 1,600 miles across.

Rocket or comet impacts are an excellent way to make and disperse rocks just in the night sky without the requirement for climate or water, as well as the Night sky cube or Yutu-2 is in a favorable spot for this. The Von Representing crater is a twin crater.

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What are they hoping to discover?

Is this an alien-built home? Is it possible that ancient astronauts left a spaceship behind? These kinds of photographs pique everyone’s interest.

Despite the fact that this body does not appear to have evolved normally, specialists assure that there is no reason to be concerned at this time.

Yutu-2 is powered by solar panels and has been on the moon for longer than any previous vehicle. Change-4 was the first spacecraft to land safely on the moon’s far side.

The most plausible explanation is that it is a massive boulder that was dug when a body, specifically an asteroid, collided with the Moon’s surface. A little effect may even be seen on the cabin’s side.


Even if aliens aren’t present, a deeper examination of the “mystery cottage will reveal something about the Moon. We may be able to learn something about the composition of the Moon under the top layer of rock and rubble if it’s a boulder extracted from below the lunar surface. As a result, CNSA experts are eager to investigate more.

The rock was discovered on the Moon on Yutu 2’s 36th day of operations. After landing in January 2019, it is now on its 37th lunar day. Yutu 2 and spacecraft Change 4 are approaching the end of their third year and still running strong, despite having been planned for a three-month mission.

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