Do Aliens Exist: How JWST Will Solve Its Major Launch Objective?

Before the launch of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) we have been observing a lot of mysterious activities in space that point towards the existence of an extraterrestrial being or simply an “Alien”.
But with the launch of the James Webb Space telescope, scientists think that we might get a solution to these mysteries.

Some of the Strange Events That Were Observed In Space

Mysterious Object Named Oumuamua.
In October 2017, scientists using the Pan-STARRS1 telescope on the island of Maui in Hawaii discovered something that was never seen by anyone. They spotted something among the stars in our solar system and named it ‘Oumuamua’ which means ‘scout’ in Hawaiian.

Astronomers thought that it was a comet, but no trace of similar activity was found when orbiting the Sun at a speed of 196,000 miles per hour.

Then, astronomers thought it was a star until further measurements found something that was physically impossible.

This object from another galaxy was growing in speed rapidly, and natural celestial bodies rarely accelerate independently. The scientific community was overjoyed as ideas grew that this could not be a comet. Instead, it could be an external artifact, such as a probe or an inactive spacecraft from another civilization.

Researchers in 2021 proposed another cause for Oumuamua’s so-called “rocket effect”: a type of ice called solid nitrogen – also in Pluto – that could explain all observations in intruder interstellar. And it was concluded that ‘Oumuamua was probably a fraction of frozen nitrogen, extracted from the surface of the planet, which eventually evaporated flat like a gift pack after heavy use.

Read more: Dark Matter: How James Webb Telescope Will Answer This Cosmic Mystery?

Mysterious Comet Named 21 / Borisov. 2I / Borisov, is a cautious comet and the second most visible star after ʻOumuamua. Found by an amateur Crimean astronomer and telescope maker Gennadiy Borisov on August 29, 2019.

2I / Borisov has a strange heliocentric orbital of 3.36 and is not bound to the Sun. The comet passed through the Solar System at the end of October 2019, and came closer to the Sun at just over 2 AU on December 8, 2019. The comet passed very close to Earth on December 28, 2019.

In November 2019, astronomers at Yale University claimed that the comet’s tail was 14 times larger than Earth, and said, “It is humbling to see how small the Earth is near this visitor from another solar system.” In mid-March, 2020, a comet was spotted as fragments; and later, in April, further evidence of separation was reported.

Read: Do Fermi Predators really exist?

How Will The James Webb Telescope Help In Solving These Space Mysteries?

Since Webb is now operating as the next generation of astronomy, the focus could easily be on the promise of a non-existent planet beyond our solar system. Infatuation with strangers is understandable.

After all, discovering a prosperous (or less prosperous) civilization in the vicinity of the exoplanet will fundamentally change the way we understand not only the universe but also when the human race and the Earth itself enter an unimaginably vast and complex space carelessly.

Webb’s high sensitivity and power now give us an unprecedented opportunity to investigate the chemical composition of these compounds and to discover more about their nature: where they came from, how they were made, and what they can tell us about them. conditions present us in their home systems, “explains Chief Investigator Martin Cordiner of Webb’s Target of Opportunity program to analyze the formation of intruders.

The Near-infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) will help scientists investigate the fingerprints of chemical cosmic gases – this is a great way to study them as any ice in the body will be exposed to the sun’s heat.

With the medium-sized infrared device (MIRI), scientists will see dust coming out of an object. These are smaller, smaller particles, more visible letters, and even pebbles that can be pulled over an object, floating with it as a ping-pong ball.

Also read: Project Galileo: Search for Extraterrestrial Life Hiding in Our Solar System

How Is This Going To Uncover More Hidden Mysteries?

Studying astronomical objects such as’ Oumuamua and Borisov, using the artificial tools found by the James Webb Space Telescope can connect long-standing questions and long-sought answers.

Among those mysteries of how planets form are derived from basic chemicals, regardless of how they occur in the universe, and whether our solar system is remarkable without the fact that the planets are formed elsewhere. Next, this may reveal how life exists in the universe and it may be a major indication of where and when we can find unknown life in the galaxy. Webb will help us find it.

Scientists will use Webb’s spectroscopic capabilities to analyze both infrared and infrared bandwidth to test intruders visiting our solar system. According to a NASA video on the optical telescope system, mirror parts of JWST were coated with a thin layer of pure gold under 100 atoms to reflect infrared light. Webb’s infrared capabilities will be important in the next study of ‘The Dawn of Borisov’ and how Oumuamua entered our solar system and surpassed it.

Read more about JWST

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