How a New Measurement is Reshaping Our View of the Universe?

Solving the Hubble Tension: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Universe

The universe is expanding, and it’s happening at a rapid pace, but determining the exact rate is proving to be a challenge for astrophysicists and cosmologists worldwide.

The conundrum stems from the Hubble tension, where estimates of the cosmic expansion rate, known as the Hubble’s constant or H0, vary depending on whether it’s measured based on the cosmic microwave background (CMB) or today’s stars and galaxies.

It’s like trying to catch a moving target, and this inconsistency has sparked intense debate and speculation in the scientific community. But solving the Hubble tension could be the key to unlocking some of the universe’s most profound mysteries, and astrophysicists and cosmologists worldwide are on a quest to solve this puzzle.

Cepheid Stars and Gaia Mission: The Key to Precise Calibration

The search for accurate measurements of the universe’s expansion rate continues, and a recent study by the Stellar Standard Candles and Distances research group has added another intriguing piece to the puzzle.

Led by Richard Anderson at EPFL’s Institute of Physics, the group’s research, published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, has achieved the most precise calibration of Cepheid stars, a type of variable star used for distance measurements, based on data collected by the European Space Agency’s (ESA’s) Gaia mission.

While the study’s findings are a significant leap forward in our understanding of the cosmos, they also highlight the persistent Hubble tension that has puzzled scientists for years.

The Hubble constant and its significance in astrophysics

The Hubble constant, named after the legendary astrophysicist Edwin Hubble, is a cornerstone of modern astrophysics that unlocks new mysteries of the universe. 

It measures the rate at which the universe is expanding, a value that has profound implications for our understanding of the cosmos. But measuring the expansion rate is not an easy task, requiring sophisticated techniques and tools. 

Enter the cosmic distance ladder, a series of calibrated rungs used to determine the Hubble constant. The ladder’s first rung is set by the absolute calibration of the brightness of Cepheid stars, recalibrated by the EPFL study, which calibrates the next rung of the ladder, where supernovae explosions provide insights into the expansion of space itself. 

Led by Nobel laureate Adam Riess, the SH0ES team’s latest measurement puts the Hubble constant at 73.0 ± 1.0 km/s/Mpc. The cosmic distance ladder represents an impressive feat of human ingenuity and collaboration, allowing us to explore the furthest reaches of space and unlock the secrets of the universe.

The Importance of Reliable Methods in Advancing Astro physics

The Hubble constant, which determines the rate at which the universe is expanding, can also be estimated by studying the cosmic microwave background (CMB), the faint radiation that permeates the universe, leftover from the Big Bang over 13 billion years ago.

However, this approach is model-dependent, meaning it relies on a detailed understanding of how the universe evolves. The European Space Agency’s Planck satellite has provided the most comprehensive data on the CMB, and their analysis estimates H0 at 67.4 ± 0.5 km/s/Mpc.

The Hubble tension represents a significant conflict between the two most accurate methods of determining the Hubble constant. There is a 5.6 km/s/Mpc discrepancy between the CMB method, which relies on interpreting the microwave radiation from the Big Bang, and the distance ladder method, which uses the calibrated rungs to determine the Hubble constant.

If both measurements are correct, this discrepancy indicates that our understanding of the universe’s basic physical laws is incomplete or flawed. Therefore, it is crucial for astrophysicists to rely on accurate and reliable methods to deepen our understanding of the universe.

EPFL study improves accuracy of distance ladder’s first rung

The EPFL study’s importance lies in its contribution to improving the accuracy of the distance ladder’s first rung, which relies on Cepheids as distance tracers. With an improved calibration of Cepheids, the study offers reliable and precise measurements of astronomical distances, providing strong support for the late universe measurement.

This, in turn, has resulted in a refined H0 measurement, increased precision, and a higher significance of the Hubble tension. The study also used a novel method to search for Cepheids, which helped improve the accuracy of Gaia parallaxes and provided a firm basis for the distance ladder.

A difference of a few km/s/Mpc may not seem like much, but in the vast scale of the universe, it has a huge significance. Imagine trying to dig a tunnel from two opposite sides of a mountain. If your calculations and understanding of the rock are correct, the two holes will meet in the center. But if they don’t, it means you made a mistake. Similarly, the Hubble tension indicates that we might be missing something essential in our understanding of the universe, and that’s why it’s a big deal.

The difference of just a few km/s/Mpc in the Hubble constant has big implications. It suggests that our understanding of the universe is flawed and we need to reexamine the basics of physics, like the nature of dark energy, time-space continuum, and gravity.

This is like digging a tunnel from two opposite sides of a mountain, but the holes don’t meet in the center – it means there’s been a mistake somewhere. Similarly, the Hubble tension calls into question the very foundations of our understanding of the universe.

In addition to contributing to the Hubble tension, Anderson’s research group’s study has provided insights into the geometry of the Milky Way, including its size, shape, and distance from other galaxies. The precise calibration developed by the group also confirmed the reliability of Gaia data.


We can better comprehend how the universe is expanding and where it came from thanks to the Hubble constant. Scientists have recently questioned their grasp of concepts like dark energy and gravity in light of measurement discrepancies.

However, brand-new Cepheid research at EPFL has consequences for understanding our own galaxy, the Milky Way, and has improved our ability to measure distances. The Hubble constant will continue to be a crucial tool in our search for knowledge as scientists learn more about the cosmos.


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